S.T.E.A.M Education

Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math



An innovative STEAM Program, where Science, Technology, and Math intersect with the Art, Language Arts that is.

Don’t you get tired of hearing about the lack of diversity in our healthcare system, the increased level of health deficiencies in our communities of color. LET US DO SOMETHING TOGETHER ABOUT IT. Parental participation IS IMPERATIVE.

This program starts in the 8th grade for students of color interested in the possibility of Medicine as a career. Applications will be available on March 1, 2024, download the application directly from this website.

A copy of your 7th grade transcript and two (2) recommendations will be necessary with all applications. One from your Guidance Counselor, Math or English teacher, and the second from someone important to you in your community. An interview will be required for acceptance.
There is a limited amount of space for this Program. Mathematics and Language Arts to complement the school curriculum with exciting and innovative authors and playwrights to make Language Arts really become an Art form so it will become fun learning. Mathematics with the twist to overcome the fear so many of our young ladies possess.


  • Study Skills curriculum that so many of us do not receive until Graduate school.
  • Psychotherapy (mental health) component…yes let’s get in your heads to figure out why am I not getting those A’s when I know I understand the material.
  • Mentors… Physician mentors in person and online, weekly to discuss their field of medicine with question-and-answer segments.
  • Field trips to Medical Centers, Research Laboratories, Technology Institutes, Plays, and Museum visits.
  • Mathematical Accelerations and tutorials when necessary
  • English Language Arts to improve and enhance Communication skills
  • Technological Partnerships as an Introduction to the 21st Century Medicine where technology will play an important role.
  • Partnership with Summer Science Programs to further promote student’s educational journey 
  • Travel stipend to and from the program provided with light breakfast snacks
  • For further information please email us at contact@friendindeedinc.com